Ketura Wash. Photo by Jeanette McDermott
Ketura Wash is proud to be Black and vegan. She says she is grateful to be both. In fact, her gratitude led her to design a merchandise brand called “A Good Day to be Black and Vegan.”
Ketura went vegan on December 19, 2017. Today she is helping to grow the vegan movement through her actions and online store. Here’s what Ketura has to say about being Black and vegan:
Food allergies lead to new awareness about a vegan lifestyle
“My vegan journey began when my face started breaking out. I went to see my doctor and found out that what I was putting into my body was coming out through my pores. This led to me taking a food allergy test. To my surprise, I was allergic to cow’s milk, almonds, peanuts, wheat, and egg whites,” Ketura said.
The results of her allergy test not only began her vegan journey, but it also made her aware of the harm that eating animals was doing to the earth and to her body.
“It woke me up and showed me a different way of living and how necessary it was for me to make a lifestyle change,” Ketura said.
Food allergies woke me up and showed me a different way of living and how necessary it was for me to make a lifestyle change.
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Merchandising brand A Good Day to be Black and Vegan helps others think in new ways
Today Ketura helps the vegan movement grow by going out in the community and teaching others why it’s important to eat healthy and go vegan.
“I not only give out information, but I make sure that I am available through social media platforms to answer questions and help people start their vegan journey. My merchandise brand “A Good Day To Be Black & Vegan” opens the conversation,” she said.
Ketura believes her brand brings awareness to those who may not have thought about becoming vegan or who are transitioning, even if it starts with eating plant-based a few days a week.
“This leads to a healthier lifestyle, saving the planet, and saving animals’ lives,” she said.
“I believe that in life we need to make changes, and it starts with awareness of our health. Most of us are a product of generational curses that include the foods we eat,” she said.
“If we don’t start making changes now, we will continue to go down a path that will not only destroy our bodies but harm the animals, as well. Change begins and ends with us,” Ketura said.
If you want your voice heard on what it means to be a compassionate, pro-animal person who is powered by plants, then just download the “I Am” card, complete the statement, take your photo with it, and send it in, using any of the Contact Us forms.
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A true Renaissance woman, Joanne Kong excels at whatever she sets her mind to accomplish. Read Vegan Storyteller’s On Being Vegan interview series with musician, professor, author, TED Talk presenter, and vegan activist Joanne Kong.

On Being Vegan with Joanne Kong