Jackie O’Donohue at FreedomFest in St. Louis. Photo by Jeanette McDermott
Jackie O’Donohue is a native Saint Louisan. She was born and raised in St. Louis and is thriving here. She went vegan five years ago to save animals and reduce her personal impact on climate change.
“I made the transition overnight. I simply decided I would no longer consume ANY animal products. It’s been over 5 years now!” she said.
Growing the vegan movement through activism, merchandising, and food reviews
I met Jackie at a street action at the Gateway Arch in downtown St. Louis a year ago. She was covered in body paint in the design of a zebra and holding a PETA sign advocating the rejection of male supremacy.
The occasion marked World Day for the End of Speciesism. She was one of five naked, body-painted PETA supporters who had gathered at the arch with signs proclaiming, “Reject WHITE Supremacy,” “Reject HETEROSEXUAL Supremacy,” “Reject HUMAN Supremacy,” “Reject MALE Supremacy,” and “Respect All Living Beings.”

Jackie engages in street actions and other activist campaigns and posts about them on her Instagram page. Photo by Jeanette McDermott
The demonstration was part of PETA’s nationwide call to action against speciesism, the damaging belief that other animals are ours to use and abuse.
PETA suggests that people can shift this attitude by choosing cosmetics that aren’t tested on animals, opting for vegan foods and fashion, shunning animal circuses, and rejecting all other ways in which animals are exploited.
Advocating PETA's motto
Jackie subscribes to PETA’s motto that “Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.”
She enjoys growing the vegan movement through her involvement in street actions and other activist campaigns and highlighting animal rights activism on her Instagram page. Her foodie Instagram page highlights vegan food and local vegan restaurants.
Our cute shirts, keychains, and stickers at Vegan Honey Clothing are the perfect way to spread the vegan message about compassion for animals.
Jackie O'Donohue Tweet
Vegan Honey Clothing promotes veganism and animal rights
As part of her efforts to spread awareness about compassion for animals, Jackie launched a vegan clothing and accessory brand called Vegan Honey Clothing. She uses her company to promote veganism and animal rights.
“Our cute shirts, keychains, and stickers are the perfect way to spread the vegan message!” Jackie said.
All of the Vegan Honey Clothing designs are created by Jackie’s friend Taylor. Taylor is a vegetarian graphic designer and volunteers her time at the Gentle Barn farm animal sanctuary in Dittmer, Missouri.
Wanting to be on the forefront of vegan expansion in St. Louis
Jackie is a senior at Maryville University of Saint Louis, where she is completing her Bachelor of Business Administration Degree.
After graduating from Maryville University, Jackie plans to continue entrepreneurship in every way possible way, including devoting herself full time to growing the Vegan Honey Clothing brand.
“I look forward to being at the forefront of vegan expansion in St. Louis. I would love to bring vegan incubator businesses to the community in the next couple of years,” she said.
By the way, Jackie said, “My favorite vegan restaurant in St. Louis is … TERROR TACOS!”
Follow Jackie O’Donohue
If you want your voice heard on what it means to be a compassionate, pro-animal person who is powered by plants, then just download the “I Am” card, complete the statement, take your photo with it, and send it in, using any of the Contact Us forms.
Ketura Wash is proud to be Black and vegan. She says she is grateful to be both. In fact, her gratitude led her to design a merchandise brand called “A Good Day to be Black and Vegan.” Her brand opens conversations and breaks down stereotypes of what it means to be vegan.

Katura Wash owner of the merchandise brand A Good Day to be Black and Vegan.